Description: A comedic web series about 3 friends (Norm Golden, Joan Barber, and Jon Freda) who are over the age of 50 and doing their best to cope with the 21st century. The series is directed by Jason Sokoloff.
Description: A multi-purpose guide for social scientists. The Web's reference for researching any subject in society. Editor: dr. Albert Benschop (University of Amsterdam).
Description: The Fair Housing Council of Oregon enforces federal, state, and local laws that forbid discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, disabality, age, sexual orientation, and other protected classes, in the context of housing.
Title: Equality North East » ...leading the way to a fairer future...
Description: Equality North East Ltd aim toward removing the barriers to employment for all, ultimately improving economic and social life within the North East of England.
Description: American History meets the 21st century in the History Publishing Company. We feature non-fiction about the Civil War and issues affecting contemporary America.
Description: Holy Cross Hospital, an affiliate of CHE Trinity Health located in Silver Spring Maryland, euthanized my father against his wishes. This hospital can be toxic to the elderly. Please excercise extreme caution with your loved ones.