Title: Welcome to the Short URL Service of Netzteil
Description: Netzteil verbindet fundiertes Know-how mit kreativer Leidenschaft und entwickelt daraus maßgeschneiderte Unternehmenslösungen. Wir beraten Unternehmen in Technologie & Kommunikationsfragen, realisieren innovative Internet & Software Projekte un...
Title: VimeoTube - What To Watch From Vimeotube.net
Description: VimeoTube.net New YouTube API V3 Complete CMS For Making Video Sharing Website With Amazing Features, Upload Video To YouTube From YourSite
Description: Powerful and simple online compiler, IDE, interpreter, and REPL. Code, compile, and run code in 30+ programming languages. including JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java, Node.js, Go, Clojure, Scheme, C, C#, C++, Lua and many more.
Description: Hey! I'm Alex, web-developer from planet Earth. This blog is mostly about JavaScript, React, Node.js & Ruby on Rails. Sometimes about productivity, analytics & marketing. Personal stuff — rarely, but also happens! ;)
Title: Codemancers - Craftsmen of web & mobile applications
Description: We are craftsmen and tinkerers of web & mobile applications. We are a small team with deep passion for creating wonderful web & mobile applications.