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Title: In New Brunswick, translators mean a lot !
Description: In New Brunswick, translators (especially those working from English into French) are needed in every sector of economic activity.
Keywords:translator, career in translation, New Brusnwick, English-French translator, French-English translator, translation program, education in translation, translators training, become a translator, becoming a translator, English translator, French translator, translation degree, French-English translation, English-French translation, translation, translations, translation profession, working as a translator, translating general texts, terminologist, reviser, interpretor, NB Translation, Traduction NB,
... (View More)
legal translation, translation from English to French, translation from French to English, French translation, English translation, translation internships, work placements translation, studying translation, bachelors degree in translation, graduates from translation programs, undergraduate translation, honours in translation, major in translation, BA translation(View Less)